Lingue, letterature e comunicazione interculturale
Reading and writing Nature: pathways to ecocriticism (3 ECTS): the workshop focuses on the linguistic, stylistic and hermeneutic analysis of iconic texts from the Anthropocene. Part of the course will be devoted to the writing of short texts: reviews of narrative or films, blog posts, short articles.
LIT – Interpreting texts (3 ECTS): the workshop aims to guide students in the analysis of texts (prose, poetry, nonfiction), introducing them to interpretation and to research in the field of the Humanities.
Introduction to textual analysis and writing (3 ECTS): the workshop aims to familiarise students with the main theoretical approaches to textual analysis from a multidisciplinary perspective to develop their critical-theoretical skills for the interpretation of written and oral texts in poetry and prose.
How to write your final thesis (3 ECTS): the workshop focuses on the process of drafting and presenting the final thesis for the undergraduate degree course. Students will be given practical exercises on the topics tackled in class (critical reading, summarizing and filing, writing an annotated bibliography, etc.).